“I chose a course at The Dutchess because it would be faster and easier compared to a regular course. The homework was difficult and a lot but really necessary in my case. I liked the efficient lesson plan and the one-to-one methodology. I also liked: the structure of the lessons, the feedback during the lesson, the quick correction of the homework, the knowledge of the material being worked with, the summary of each lesson via e-mail and the good motivation.

The time was short but the lessons were very intensive and well planned. I found it very helpful when I received feedback on my pronunciation. I loved it when Nathalie sent me a list of my own typical mistakes.

I have already recommended the course to others. Thank you Nathalie for your help. Now I dare to speak more with Dutch people. I found the material we used during the lesson very good. The tips on registering for the exam and on how and when I could look at the results were very useful. I am completely satisfied with the method and the results of my NT2 exam. I hope to have more lessons in the future.” – Marisol passed the Staatsexamen NT2 programma II in one go.