The Dutchess CRKBO approved


Since August 2012, The Dutchess has been included in the register of the CRKBO (Central Register for Short Professional Education). With this CRKBO registration, The Dutchess complies with the Quality Code for Training Institutes for Short Professional Education and is exempt from btw (VAT). This means that all our courses are offered free of VAT.


Prior to being included in the CRKBO register, The Dutchess first had to undergo an audit. Registration is also subject to additional audits every four years. The CRKBO audit focuses on the principles of the quality code for short vocational education and  is carried out by the independent CPION organisation (the Centre for Post-Initial Education in the Netherlands).

The audit includes checks into whether the organisation meets the following criteria: care, legal status, fairness, reliability and recognition. The Dutchess meets each of these criteria.

An auditor has audited (August 2012 & August 2016 & June 2020 & June 2024) the content and set-up of our courses, the qualifications of our teachers and our internal procedures, such as our administration, evaluation process and development of new material.

The auditor was very satisfied with the complete set of documentes and the quality of the information given. As a result of the successful audit, we have received the CRKBO quality stamp and therefore are exempted from VAT.

CRKBO certified Dutch courses